visual modflow实用教程 诚信代理
  • visual modflow实用教程 诚信代理
  • visual modflow实用教程 诚信代理
  • visual modflow实用教程 诚信代理


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With Visual MODFLOW Flex, groundwater modelers have all the tools required for addressing local to regional-scale water quality, groundwater supply, and source water protection issues.
visual modflow实用教程
点、多边形和曲线数据 (.SHP, .XLS,.DXF, .TXT, .CSV, .MDB)
3D Surfaces (.DEM, .ASC, .GRD, .TXT)
站点地图、航空和卫星图像 (.JPG, . BMP, .TIF, .GIF)
从Hydro GeoAnalyst导入的钻孔数据、时间安排和剖面图
从Groundwater Vistas, GMS, ModelMuse and PMWIN.导入的MODFLOW 文件
Native MODFLOW文件
已有的 Visual MODFLOW Projects (.VMF)
3D Gridded Data (.HDS and .DAT)
visual modflow实用教程
Build models faster and more efficiently
With integrated 3D conceptual modeling, you will never have to rebuild a model again. Model inputs and grid design can be updated at any point in the modeling process as modeling objectives change, more data are collected and a better understanding of the sub-surface is achieved.
visual modflow实用教程
Easily compare multiple models
Visual MODFLOW Flex’s unique design permits easy side-by-side comparisons of multiple models allowing you to assess alternative modeling scenarios, grid indiscretions and hydro-geologic interpretations.

Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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