matlab百科 matlab 2020b 专业培训
  • matlab百科 matlab 2020b 专业培训
  • matlab百科 matlab 2020b 专业培训
  • matlab百科 matlab 2020b 专业培训


使用期限租赁和* 许可形式单机和网络版 原产地美国 介质下载 适用平台windows,mac,linux
使用 MATLAB 桌面环境元素(包括命令窗口、工作区浏览器和变量编辑器),导入数据、定义变量并执行计算。使用预置的绘图实现数据可视化,并对可视化效果进行自定义。浏览产品文档,查找内置函数,了解其语法以及演示如何使用函数的代码示例。最后,使用实时编辑器创建组合了代码、输出和格式化文本的脚本,采用可执行的记事本格式,方便与其他人共享。
Computational biologists use MathWorks products to understand and predict biological behavior using data analysis and mathematical modeling.
MathWorks products provide a single, integrated environment to support pharmacokinetics (PK), bioinformatics, systems biology, bioimage processing, and biostatistics.
You can use MathWorks computational biology products to:
Import, analyze, and model data, and share results
Automate workflow elements
Customize algorithms and tools critical to developing innovative methods for working with unexplored research areas
Leverage proven, commercially supported algorithms and tools
Stateflow 能够对控制系统中的调度逻辑进行建模、设计和模拟,以安排控制器的运转、控制系统的操作模式并执行故障检测、隔离与恢复 (FDIR)。
控制系统算法经过设计之后,便可以加以优化以便进行实施。您可以使用**算法*设计的**数据类型属性,为实施做好准备。在闭环桌面仿真过程中验证控制算法之后,通过自动生成 C、结构化文本或 HDL 代码,将它们部署到生产微控制器、PLC 和 FPGA。
可以继续测试和验证控制系统。通过在嵌入式控制器上运行控制算法,以及在连接到控制器上的目标计算机上实时运行对象模型,来执行硬件在环 (HIL) 测试。可以使用形式化验证方法进一步验证和测试控制系统。
Engineers working toward an optimized design must develop their software and physical system together. MathWorks physical modeling tools bring accuracy and efficiency to this effort by enabling you to:
Assemble system-level models that span multiple physical domains and include the control system in a single environment
Create reusable models of your physical system with physical ports, in addition to input and output **s
Model custom physical components (mechanical, electrical, and other physical domains) using a MATLAB based physical modeling language
Extend your analysis with 3D visualization and additional simulation methods
You can convert the models of your physical system to C code and deploy the code to other environments for tasks such as hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing. These models support all phases of Model-Based Design.

Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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