mplus软件学习 正规代理
  • mplus软件学习 正规代理
  • mplus软件学习 正规代理
  • mplus软件学习 正规代理


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Mplus Base Program and Combination Add-On
Mplus Base Program and Combination Add-On包含了Mplus Base Program and the Mixture and Multilevel Add-Ons的所有功能。此外,它还包括处理同一模型中的集群数据和潜在类的模型。例如,两级回归混合分析、二级混合验证因子分析(CFA)和结构方程模型(SEM)、二级潜类分析、多层增长混合模型、二级离散和连续时间生存混合分析。其他特殊功能包括缺失数据估计;复杂的调查数据分析,包括分层、聚类和不平等的选择概率(抽样权重);用较大似然法分析潜在变量相互作用和非线性因素;随机斜率;个体变化的观测次数;非线性参数约束;所有结果类型的较大似然估计。贝叶斯分析与多重归责原则;蒙特卡罗模拟功能以及后处理图形模型。

• Microsoft Windows 7/8/10
• Mac OS X 10.8或更高版本
• Linux (已在下面的平台中测试过: Ubuntu, RedHat, Fedora, Debian和Gentoo)
• 至少1GB以上的内存
• 至少120 MB硬盘空间

The arrows in the figure represent regression relationships between variables. Regressions relationships that are allowed but not specifically shown in the figure include regressions among observed outcome variables, among continuous latent variables, and among categorical latent variables. For continuous outcome variables, linear regression models are used. For censored outcome variables, censored (tobit) regression models are used, with or without inflation at the censoring point. For binary and ordered categorical outcomes, probit or logistic regressions models are used. For unordered categorical outcomes, multinomial logistic regression models are used. For count outcomes, Poisson and negative binomial regression models are used, with or without inflation at the zero point.
Free Mplus workshops - Dr. Michael Zyphur has made available a free 3-day workshop held in July 2019 at the University of Melbourne. The workshop covers the new General Cross-Lagged Panel Model (GCLM) in Mplus. A second course will be offered sometime between Nov 25 and Dec 13, 2019. Additionally, a 5-day Mplus workshop covering various modeling topics, from basic correlation and regression to multilevel structural equation modeling and latent growth models in Mplus is available for viewing and download.
New Mplus paper: Serang, S., Jacobucci, R., Stegmann, G., Brandmaier, A. M., Culianos, D., & Grimm, K. J. (in press). Mplus Trees: Structural equation model trees using Mplus. Forthcoming in Structural Equation Modeling.
New Mplus paper: A better way to do LTA - Latent transition analysis with random intercepts (RI-LTA). Revised version under review. Scripts are available on our RI-LTA page.

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