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使用期限租赁和* 许可形式单机和网络版 原产地美国 介质下载 适用平台windows,mac,linux
MATLAB® and Simulink® products for Model-Based Design and technical computing are the industry-standard tools for designing, implementing, and testing air, space, naval, and land systems. Aerospace and defense companies worldwide rely on these products in major programs, such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and Mars Exploration Rover, as well as for unmanned aerial vehicles and advanced wireless systems, such as software defined radio (SDR).
Model-Based Design with MATLAB and Simulink is a modular development approach that enables engineering teams to move from internal research and development (IRAD) to design and implementation in a single environment. Companies are using this approach to:
Mitigate program risk by sharing system specifications, analysis, and test data
Reduce costly rework through early simulation of design
Promote reuse by interfacing with existing tools, simulations, and legacy software
Leverage new technologies by moving directly from IRAD to production
Research emerging technologies such as cyber-physical systems
Access and Analyze Data
MATLAB data analysis products let you access, visualize, and analyze data within a single environment. You can interactively explore data, build customized analyses, and share your discoveries with others through reports, published code, 3D visualizations, or as complete applications.
Develop Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine learning algorithms use computational methods to "learn" information directly from data without assuming a predetermined equation as a model. They can adaptively improve their performance as you increase the number of samples available for learning. Machine learning algorithms are used in applications such as speech and facial recognition. They are used in big data applications that have large datasets with many predictors (features) and are too complex for simple parametric models.
使用 MATLAB 开发、扩展和部署深度学习模型
MATLAB 可让一个用户实施端到端的工作流程,使用 Deep Learning Toolbox™ 开发和训练深度学习模型。然后,可以通过 Parallel Computing Toolbox 和 MATLAB Parallel Server 使用云和集群资源扩展训练,随后使用 GPU Coder 部署到数据中心或嵌入式设备。
使用 GPU 开发深度学习和其他计算密集型分析
MATLAB 是端到端工作流程平台,适用于 AI 和深度学习开发。MATLAB 提供工具和应用程序,用于导入训练数据集、可视化和调试、利用GPU对CNN进行扩展训练和实现部署。
使用一行代码即可扩展到台式机、云和群集上的其他计算资源和 GPU 资源。
Stateflow 能够对控制系统中的调度逻辑进行建模、设计和模拟,以安排控制器的运转、控制系统的操作模式并执行故障检测、隔离与恢复 (FDIR)。
控制系统算法经过设计之后,便可以加以优化以便进行实施。您可以使用**算法*设计的**数据类型属性,为实施做好准备。在闭环桌面仿真过程中验证控制算法之后,通过自动生成 C、结构化文本或 HDL 代码,将它们部署到生产微控制器、PLC 和 FPGA。
可以继续测试和验证控制系统。通过在嵌入式控制器上运行控制算法,以及在连接到控制器上的目标计算机上实时运行对象模型,来执行硬件在环 (HIL) 测试。可以使用形式化验证方法进一步验证和测试控制系统。

Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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