Structure of a GAMS Model
For the remainder of the tutorial, we will discuss the basic components of a GAMS model, with reference to the example
above. The basic components are listed in table Table 2.
Table 2: The basic components of a GAMS model
User Interface
Portability concerns also have implications for the user interface. The basic GAMS system is file-oriented, and no special
editor or graphical input and output routines exist. Rather than burden the user with having to learn yet another set of editing
commands, GAMS offers an open architecture in which each user can use his word processor or editor of choice. This basic
user interface facilitates the integration of GAMS with a variety of existing and future user environments.
Model Library
When architects begin to design a new building, they develop the new structure by using ideas and techniques that have been
tested in previous structures. The same is true in other fields: design elements from previous projects serve as sources of
ideas for new developments.
From the early stages of the development of GAMS we have collected models to be used in a library of examples. Many of
these are standard textbook examples and can be used in classes on problem formulation or to illustrate points about GAMS.
Others are models that have been used in policy or sector analysis and are interesting for both the methods and the data they
use. All the substantive models in the library are described in the open literature. A collection of models is now included
with all GAMS systems, along with a database to help users locate examples that cover countries, sectors, or topics of interest
to them.
The syntax used to introduce features in the various chapters are presented using the Backus-Naur form (BNF) notation