Model with confidence
The 3D conceptual modeling capabilities allow you to easily interpret and analyze raw GIS data in 2D, 3D and cross-sectional viewers. This provides a visual quality assurance of the data and allows you to gain a solid understanding of the subsurface before designing the numerical model.
![提供visual modflow正版软件](//l.b2b168.com/2021/05/08/15/202105081549234518714.jpg)
Row/Column views for rotated grids are projected on NS/EW planes rather than on rotated model co-ordinate axes
In some cases, surfaces generated using the model domain polygon did not fully span the model domain due to differences in numerical precision.
![提供visual modflow正版软件](//l.b2b168.com/2021/05/08/15/202105081547174189344.jpg)
Uncaught exception visualizing Fluxes when budget file is removed
View Maps not showing heads output
Can’t assign wells using Wells data object on Q-Grid
Well Edit form dives under the main Flex window
Only the first stress period values for bed leakance were included in LAK package translation
![提供visual modflow正版软件](//l.b2b168.com/2021/05/08/15/202105081551038456374.jpg)
Simple, easy-to-use
Since 1995, Visual MODFLOW has been recognized for its intuitive, easy-to-use interface. With Visual MODFLOW Flex, modeling steps are conveniently presented in an intuitive, workflow-driven graphical user interface, allowing you to see what steps you’ve completed, your current step and what steps you need to finish to reach your modeling objectives.