In Bayesian analysis, we seek a balance between prior information in a form of expert knowledge
or belief and evidence from data at hand. Achieving the right balance is one of the difficulties in
Bayesian modeling and inference. In general, we should not allow the prior information to overwhelm
the evidence from the data, especially when we have a large data sample. A famous theoretical
result, the Bernstein–von Mises theorem, states that in large data samples, the posterior distribution is
independent of the prior distribution and, therefore, Bayesian and likelihood-based inferences should
yield essentially the same results. On the other hand, we need a strong enough prior to support weak
evidence that usually comes from insufficient data. It is always good practice to perform sensitivity
analysis to check the dependence of the results on the choice of a prior.

讲座时间:5月12日 15:00-16:00
讲座概述: Stata 17的所有功能更新,本次讲座全部囊括。
1、 数据搜集和数据输出
2、 非参数模型
3、 DID模型的命令
4、 离散选择模型
5、 区间删失Cox模型
6、 贝叶斯面板数据模型、贝叶斯多层模型、贝叶斯VAR模型

Remarks and examples
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
What is Bayesian analysis?
Bayesian versus frequentist analysis, or why Bayesian analysis?
How to do Bayesian analysis
Advantages and disadvantages of Bayesian analysis
Brief background and literature review
Bayesian statistics
Posterior distribution
Selecting priors
Point and interval estimation
Comparing Bayesian models
Posterior prediction
Bayesian computation
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
Metropolis–Hastings algorithm
Adaptive random-walk Metropolis–Hastings
Blocking of parameters
Metropolis–Hastings with Gibbs updates
Convergence diagnostics of MCMC
The first five sections provide a general introduction to Bayesian analysis. The remaining sections
provide a more technical discussion of the concepts of Bayesian analysis.

We are excited to introduce you to the new features in Stata 16. Below, we list highlights of the release. In what follows, we tell you a little more about the first 13 of them. We introduce each feature using words that you might also use as you introduce them to existing and potential Stata users.
The majority of these features will be exciting to researchers in all disciplines. Where appropriate, we will highlight which disciplines will be most interested or provide advice about how different groups of users will relate to the feature. We