Nonlinear DSGE models in Stata 15
In Stata 15, we introduced the dsge command for fitting linear DSGE models, which are time-series models used in economics and finance. These models are an alternative to traditional forecasting models. Both attempt to explain aggregate economic phenomena, but DSGE models do this on the basis of models derived from microeconomic theory.
New in Stata 16, the dsgenl command fits nonlinear DSGE models. Most DSGE models are nonlinear, and this means that you no longer need to linearize them by hand. When you enter equations into dsgenl, it linearizes them for you.
After estimating the parameters of your model with dsgenl, you can obtain the transition and policy matrices; determine the model’s steady state; estimate variables’ variances, covariances, and autocovariances implied by the system of equations; and create and graph impulse–response functions.
This is likely to be the favorite feature of macroeconomists and anyone working in a central bank.


Frequentist analysis is entirely data-driven and strongly depends on whether or not the data
assumptions required by the model are met. On the other hand, Bayesian analysis provides a more
robust estimation approach by using not only the data at hand but also some existing information or
knowledge about model parameters.
In frequentist statistics, estimators are used to approximate the true values of the unknown parameters,
whereas Bayesian statistics provides an entire distribution of the parameters. In our example of a
prevalence of an infectious disease from What is Bayesian analysis?, frequentist analysis produced one
point estimate for the prevalence, whereas Bayesian analysis estimated the entire posterior distribution
of the prevalence based on a given sample.

The fill() and seq() functions are alternatives. In essence, fill() requires a minimal example
that indicates the kind of sequence required, whereas seq() requires that the rule be specified through
options. There are sequences that fill() can produce that seq() cannot, and vice versa. fill()
cannot be combined with if or in, in contrast to seq(), which can.