What is Bayesian analysis?
Bayesian analysis is a statistical analysis that answers research questions about unknown parameters
of statistical models by using probability statements. Bayesian analysis rests on the assumption that
all model parameters are random quantities and thus are subjects to prior knowledge. This assumption
is in sharp contrast with the more traditional, also called frequentist, statistical inference where all
parameters are considered unknown but fixed quantities. Bayesian analysis follows a simple rule
of probability, the Bayes rule, which provides a formalism for combining prior information with
evidence from the data at hand. The Bayes rule is used to form the so called posterior distribution of
model parameters. The posterior distribution results from updating the prior knowledge about model
parameters with evidence from the observed data. Bayesian analysis uses the posterior distribution to
form various summaries for the model parameters including point estimates such as posterior means,
medians, percentiles, and interval estimates such as credible intervals. Moreover, all statistical tests
about model parameters can be expressed as probability statements based on the estimated posterior

We are excited to introduce you to the new features in Stata 16. Below, we list highlights of the release. In what follows, we tell you a little more about the first 13 of them. We introduce each feature using words that you might also use as you introduce them to existing and potential Stata users.
The majority of these features will be exciting to researchers in all disciplines. Where appropriate, we will highlight which disciplines will be most interested or provide advice about how different groups of users will relate to the feature. We


We consider two types of CRIs. The first one is based on quantiles. The second one is the highest
posterior density (HPD) interval.
An f(1 �� ) 100g% quantile-based, or also known as an equal-tailed CRI, is defined as
(q=2; q1��=2), where qa denotes the ath quantile of the posterior distribution. A commonly reported
equal-tailed CRI is (q0:025; q0:975).
HPD interval is defined as an f(1 �� ) 100g% CRI of the shortest width. As its name implies,
this interval corresponds to the region of the posterior density with the highest concentration. For a
unimodal posterior distribution, HPD is unique, but for a multimodal distribution it may not be unique.
Computational approaches for calculating HPD are described in Chen and Shao (1999) and Eberly
and Casella (2003).