Grapher .GRF Files
Grapher .GRF files contain all of the information necessary to reproduce
the graph, except for the data. When you save a Grapher file, all the
scaling, formatting, and parameters for the graph are preserved in the file.
Grapher .GRF files save a link to the data and do not store the data
internally in the file. For example, if a .GRF file needs to be sent to a
colleague, you would need to send the data file(s) used to create the graph
in addition to the .GRF file. This format is preferred for graphs where the
data changes periodically and needs to link to the external source data file.
When opening a GRF file, the data files are reloaded into Grapher. If the
data files haven't changed, the plots will look the exact same as when they
were saved. However, if the data files have been changed, the plots will
automatically update to reflect the changes in their source data. If the data
files can't be found, Grapher will prompt you for the data files to use for
your plots.
To install Grapher from a download:
1. Log into Windows under the account for the individual who is licensed to
use Grapher.
2. Download Grapher according to the emailed directions you received or
from the My Products page of the Golden Software My Account portal.
3. Double-click on the downloaded file to begin the installation process.
4. Once the installation is complete, run Grapher.
5. License Grapher by activating a single-user license product key or
connecting to a license server.
Grapher 2D/3D绘图和统计分析软件