Select the object and then click again on the selected object (two slow
clicks) to edit the object name. You must allow enough time between the
two clicks so the action is not interpreted as a double-click. Enter the new
name into the box. Alternatively, right-click on an object name and click
Rename Object, select an object and click the Home | Selection |
Rename command, or select an object and press F2. Enter a name in the
Rename Object dialog and click OK to rename the object.
To change the display order of the objects with the mouse, select an object
and drag it to a new position in the list above or below an object at the
same level in the tree. The cursor changes to a black right arrow if the
object can be moved to the cursor location or a red circle with a diagonal
line if the object cannot be moved to the indicated location. For example, a
line/scatter plot can be moved anywhere within its graph object or into
another graph object, but not into a group object. Objects can also be
arranged using the Layout | Move commands: To Front, To Back,
Forward, and Backward.
It really is the most flexible package out there. I tell people if you can visualize a plot, you can make it with Grapher.
Worksheet Window
The worksheet window contains commands to display, edit, enter, and
save data. The worksheet window has several useful and powerful editing,
transformation, and statistical operations available. Several import and
export options are available for opening data files from other spreadsheet
programs. The Data Tools tab is automatically selected when you open or
switch to a worksheet document.
To enter data in a worksheet, use the File | Open command to open an
existing data file or click the File | New | Worksheet command to create a
blank worksheet. Data already used to create plots can be opened in the
worksheet window with the Graph Tools | Worksheet | Display command.