Beacon Designer为突变检测提供了一个综合解决方案。高分辨率熔解分析(HRMA)是一种比基于**腺的基因型分析更具有成本效益的方法。该程序使用专有算法,可以设计出检测突变的佳引物。
Design specific and efficient oligos for all major qPCR assays
Design successful SYBR® Green, TaqMan®, HRMA Primers, MethyLight TaqMan®, LNA™ spiked TaqMan®, molecular beacons for both standard and NASBA® assays, Scorpions® and FRET assays by automatically interpreting BLAST results and avoiding template structures.
SYBR® Green is perhaps the most commonly used real time PCR chemistry. Beacon Designer™ designs SYBR® Green PCR primers and helps you evaluate pre-designed SYBR® Green PCR primer sets. You have complete control over the design parameters or you can use the default values, chosen after considerable research and communication with experts. You can even choose your own default design parameters for your specific research needs.
DNA Methylation
Introduction to DNA Methylation
After every cycle of DNA replication, several modifications occur in the DNA. DNA methylation is one such post-synthesis modification. DNA methylation has been proven by research to be manifested in a number of biological processes such as regulation of imprinted genes, X chromosome inactivation, and tumor suppressor gene silencing in cancerous cells. It also acts as a protection mechanism adopted by the pathogen DNA (mainly bacterial against the endonuclease activity that destroys any foreign DNA.
Designing MethyLight assays
Beacon Designer™ designs TaqMan® probes & methyl sensitive PCR primers. The MethyLight assays involves treatment of genomic DNA with sodium bisulphite followed by an alkaline treatment. Beacon Designer™ displays the corresponding bisulphite treated strand when the genomic sequence is provided. The program designs primers and TaqMan® probes for the specified CpG islands. You can also design suitable control primers and probes by designing them for unmethylated and untreated DNA sequences. These primers and TaqMan® probes are highly specific as they are designed by avoiding regions of significant cross homology identified by automatically interpreting BLAST search results. Template structures are also avoided during the design.