We consider two types of CRIs. The first one is based on quantiles. The second one is the highest
posterior density (HPD) interval.
An f(1 �� ) 100g% quantile-based, or also known as an equal-tailed CRI, is defined as
(q=2; q1��=2), where qa denotes the ath quantile of the posterior distribution. A commonly reported
equal-tailed CRI is (q0:025; q0:975).
HPD interval is defined as an f(1 �� ) 100g% CRI of the shortest width. As its name implies,
this interval corresponds to the region of the posterior density with the highest concentration. For a
unimodal posterior distribution, HPD is unique, but for a multimodal distribution it may not be unique.
Computational approaches for calculating HPD are described in Chen and Shao (1999) and Eberly
and Casella (2003).

This entry provides a software-free introduction to Bayesian analysis. See [BAYES] bayes for an
overview of the software for performing Bayesian analysis and for an overview example.


The principles of Bayesian analysis date back to the work of Thomas Bayes, who was a Presbyterian
minister in Tunbridge Wells and Pierre Laplace, a French mathematician, astronomer, and physicist in
the 18th century. Bayesian analysis started as a simple intuitive rule, named after Bayes, for updating
beliefs on account of some evidence. For the next 200 years, however, Bayes’s rule was an
obscure idea. Along with the rapid development of the standard or frequentist statistics in 20th century,
Bayesian methodology was also developing, although with less attention and at a slower pace. One
of the obstacles for the progress of Bayesian ideas has been the lasting opinion among mainstream
statisticians of it being subjective. Another more-tangible problem for adopting Bayesian models in
practice has been the lack of adequate computational resources. Nowadays, Bayesian statistics is
widely accepted by researchers and practitioners as a valuable and feasible alternative.
Bayesian analysis proliferates in diverse areas including industry and government, but its application
in sciences and engineering is particularly visible. Bayesian statistical inference is used in econometrics
(Poirier [1995]; Chernozhukov and Hong [2003]; Kim, Shephard, and Chib [1998], Zellner [1997]);
education (Johnson 1997); epidemiology (Greenland 1998); engineering (Godsill and Rayner 1998);
genetics (Iversen, Parmigiani, and Berry 1999); social sciences (Pollard 1986); hydrology (Parent
et al. 1998); quality management (Rios Insua 1990); atmospheric sciences (Berliner et al. 1999); and
law (DeGroot, Fienberg, and Kadane 1986), to name a few.