Import data from SAS and SPSS
With Stata 16’s new import sas and import spss commands, you can now import data stored in SAS (.sas7bdat) and SPSS (.sav) formats. The dialog boxes make it easy to explore the data before importing them and, if desired, to select a subset of variables and observations to load into Stata.
In addition, with the new import sasxport8 and export sasxport8 commands, you can import and export SAS XPORT Version 8 Transport files into Stata. The existing import sasxport and export sasxport commands worked with SAS XPORT Version 5 Transport files and have been renamed import sasxport5 and export sasxport5.


Frequentist hypothesis testing is based on a deterministic decision using a prespecified significance
level of whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the observed data, assuming that
the null hypothesis is actually true. The decision is based on a p-value computed from the observed
data. The interpretation of the p-value is that if we repeat the same experiment and use the same
testing procedure many times, then given our null hypothesis is true, we will observe the result (test
statistic) as extreme or more extreme than the one observed in the sample (100 p-value)% of the
times. The p-value cannot be interpreted as a probability of the null hypothesis, which is a common
misinterpretation. In fact, it answers the question of how likely are our data given that the null
hypothesis is true, and not how likely is the null hypothesis given our data. The latter question can
be answered by Bayesian hypothesis testing, where we can compute the probability of any hypothesis
of interest.

Nonparametric series regression
Stata 16's new npregress series command fits nonparametric series regressions that approximate the mean of the dependent variable using polynomials, B-splines, or splines of the covariates. This means that you do not need to specify any predetermined functional form. You specify only which covariates you wish to include in your model. For instance, type
. npregress series wineoutput rainfall temperature i.irrigation
Instead of reporting coefficients, npregress series reports effects, meaning average marginal effects for continuous variables and contrasts for categorical variables. The results might be that the average marginal effect of rainfall is 1 and the contrast for irrigation is 2. This contrast can be interpreted as the average treatment effect of irrigation.
Being a nonparametric regression, the unknown mean is approximated by a series function of the covariates. And yet we can still obtain the inferences that we could from a parametric model. We use margins. We could type
. margins irrigation, at(temperature=(40(5)90))
and obtain a table of the expected effect of having irrigation at temperatures of 40, 50, ..., 90 degrees. And we could graph the result using marginsplot.
Even more, npregress series can fit partially parametric (semiparametric) models.