To inform HLM of the input and MDM file type
1. At the WHLM window, open the File menu.
2. Choose Make new MDM file…Stat package input. A Select MDM type dialog
box opens.
3. Select HLM2 and click OK. A Make MDM - HLM2 dialog box will open.

Description of the data
High School and Beyond (HS&B) is a national longitudinal study originally funded by the United
States Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) as a part of their
longitudinal studies program. Its purpose was to document the “educational, vocational, and
personal development of young people following them over time as they begin to take on
roles and responsibilities”. Here a subset of the data representing 160 schools and a total of 7,185
students is used to illustrate the fitting and interpretation of a two-level hierarchical linear model.

Creating the command file
Before creating a new command file for the model given above, the relevant MDM file on which
the analysis is to be based must be selected. In this case, we will simply continue using the MDM
file constructed previously. However, to use another previously created MDM file, the Create a
new model using an existing MDM file option should be selected from the File menu.
On the left of the main window, th

As a first step, the variable MATHACH, representing a student's math achievement, is selected as
the outcome variable. By clicking on the variable name, a selection menu is displayed, with the
only active option Outcome variable, as shown below:
Once the outcome variable has been selected, the following basic model is displayed in the
WHLM window. This model is commonly referred to as the unconditional model.