Enerplot: 脱机绘图工具。
Powerflow文件导入:也就PRSIM,此工具可导入PSS/E或PowerFactory数据库文件,以便查看和可选地转换为PSCAD文件。包括Network Equivalents (NETEQ) 功能。
Powerflow Light:嵌入在Powerflow Initialization utility中的Powerflow计算引擎。
EMTDC is most suitable for simulating the time domain instantaneous responses (also popularly known as electromagnetic transients) of electrical systems.
The power of EMTDC is greatly enhanced by its state-of-the-art Graphical User Interface called PSCAD. PSCAD allows the user to graphically assemble the circuit, run the simulation, analyze the results, and manage the data in a completely integrated graphical environment.
Typical EMTDC Studies
EMTDC (with PSCAD) is used by engineers and scientists from utilities, manufacturers, consultants, and research/academic institutions, all over the world. It is used in planning, operation, design, commissioning, tender specification preparation, teaching, and advanced research.
The following is a sample of the types of studies routinely conducted using EMTDC:
Contingency studies of AC networks consisting of rotating machines, exciters, governors, turbines, transformers, transmission lines, cables, and loads
Relay coordination
Transformer saturation effects
Over-voltages due to a fault or breaker operation
Optimal design of controller parameters
Industrial systems including compensation controllers, drives, electric furnaces, filters, etc.
Investigation of new circuit and control concepts
Lightning strikes, faults or breaker operations.
Steep front and fast front studies.
Investigate the pulsing effects of diesel engines and wind turbines on electric networks.