The program combines advanced graphical user interface and wholesome features designed for practical use. Chemcraft provides very detailed structured visualization of output files, based on dividing a file into separate elements and presenting them in an hierarchical multi-level list; this feature allows one to easily analyze complicated files, such as scan jobs, IRC jobs, or multi-job calculations. The graphical engine of Chemcraft does not require any hardware acceleration.
Chemcraft can calculate root-mean-square distances between the Cartesian coordinates of two molecular structures ("Tools/RMS compare structures" menu item, see here). Besides that, the program can merge multiple structures to allow the user to visually see the difference between them.
Chemcraft读取ADF输出文件、ASCII TAPE21文件和ASCII TAPE41文件。目前,ADF输出文件的可视化不如GAMESS或Gaussian文件的可视化那样全面:提供了能量的提取、偶较矩的可视化和一些原子性质,但没有分子轨道可视化等。
除了Gamess-US, Gaussian 和ADF文件,Chemcraft可以读取NWChem、Jaguar、Oraca、Dalton、GAMESE-UK、Turbomole、MMOPRO和QChem输出文件、HyperChem文件、MSI或PDB格式的文件(这些格式未被全面支持)和MolDraw and Priroda程序格式、NBO格式(.31-.40文件)、Molden文件、MFJ、SDF和Tinker、Crystal文件、VASP和Shellx文件、晶体学CIF文件和简单的文本文件与原子的Cartesian坐标。Chemcraft提供了一个通过剪贴板导入/导出文本格式的原子坐标的接口,这有助于使用任何类型的计算数据。将原子坐标导出到剪贴板中对于快速创建输入文件也是有用的。Chemcraft包含一个分数坐标转换的功能,用于晶体学测量和Cartesian,反之亦然,用于单数(a,b,c等)。
The program provides structured presentation of output files. The file being read is divided into separate elements, such as individual geometries or vibrational modes. For each element all available data is extracted from the file: atomic coordinates, energy gradient, etc. All elements are presented in hierarchical list (see fig. 1). Clicking on the elements of the list automatically displays individual geometries or modes on the image and allows different properties to be visualized. This interface provides reliable visualization of computational data, including non-standard types of calculation, incomplete calculations, etc. It also allows complicated files with multiple calculation jobs to be visualized. For energy scan or IRC calculations, all geometries are divided into groups by scan/IRC steps. Besides graphical presentation of data, Chemcraft outlines the most essential parts of output file and shows a brief "abstract" for each element of the file.
Menu items "Edit/Add atom" and "Edit/Add fragment" allow new molecules to be built from individual atoms or molecular fragments (radicals, etc). The possibility to edit the set of standard fragments and supplement it with custom fragments is provided ("Edit/Add selected fragment to database"). Keys Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V provide the transfer of fragments via clipboard (e.g., to copy a radical from one molecule to another).