"We bought the AlleleID® and so far I'm very happy with it. I designed species specific primers with AlleleID® (after having tried manually for some days) and the results are very good (really specific amplifications). That was for a sybr green detection. And I have to say the support team is really helpful when you face problems." -Ms. Cecile Thonar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Comprehensive Assay Support
Using PrimerPlex, design oligos for multiplex PCR, ASPE and direct hybridization assays. The oligos are screened for cross reactivity to ensure high ** strength, minimizing Tm mismatches. The oligos are screened for dimers, runs and repeats.
Making the Most of Multiplex PCR Ellis, J.
Biocompare. 2018; November 15.
"I appreciate the intuitive, user friendly interface of Beacon Designer™ as compared to that of primer express, fastPCR and Vector NTI." -Dr. Hannes Richter, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland.