Partial Mantel Test
The partial Mantel test requires three matrices, the main matrix, a second matrix, and a control matrix. The null hypothesis is of no relationship between the main and second matrices, after controlling for the relationship with the third (control) matrix. If we call the main matrix Y, the second matrix X, and the control matrix C, then we seek the partial correlation between X and Y while controlling for C.
Compare Scores (Compare Ordinations)
Evaluate the similarity of two ordinations, independent of any rotation, reflection, units for axis, and number of dimensions. This is accomplished by evaluating the correlation between the interpoint distances of two ordinations. Squaring this correlation expresses the redundancy between two ordinations. A formal test of the hypothesis of no relationship between the two ordinations is provided by a Mantel test.
* Analysis Book Methods for analysis, authored by one of our principal programmers
For each selected overlay variable, we trace a particular contour that is specified as a percentage of that variable's range. Each contained area is a "hilltop", and multiple partially transparent hilltops are superimposed on one ordination. The resulting diagram shows the maxima of many nonlinear overlay variables (e.g. traits, species abundances, or environmental variables) in a single figure.