What is Alternative Splicing?
The coding and non-coding fragments of the gene can be arranged in different ways. When this produces different m-RNA sequences from the same parent gene, the phenomenon is known as Alternative Splicing. The biological consequences of this process can be severe as the same gene leads to formation of different proteins which may be functional, non-functional or malfunctioning. The varied forms of the splicing events are known as splice variants. And as outlines above, AlleleID® could be used for splice variant detection using microarray experiments.
How AlleleID® Designs a Cross Species/Taxa Specific Assay
AlleleID® designs both real time PCR assays, including molecular beacons, TaqMan® probes, TaqMan® MGB, and SYBR® Green primers, and microarrays for designing a universal probe for taxa discrimination.
Modern Techniques for Cross Species Detection
Real time PCR and microarrays offer a rapid, sensitive, specific and quantitative tool for the diagnosis of pathogens. Diseases are not readily distinguished based on symptoms when there is more than one pathogen in the sample. Microscopic identification requires culturing on specialized media for days to weeks. Recently, real time PCR assays were successfully used in the detection of fungal pathogens such as Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and Fusarium.
Designing a cross species assay involves the use of a multiple sequence alignment tool to identify conserved stretches of DNA and the design of a hybridization probe for detecting it. Recently there have been advances in micro-organism identification at the taxonomical level using molecular level identification techniques such as real time PCR and microarrays.
AlleleID是设计MLPA合成探针或者由MRC Holland引入的多重连接依赖探针扩增技术的程序,当合适的工具包不可用时,研究人员能够扩展这项技术。这是一种快速增长的高通量基因图谱分析方法。可以检测外显子缺失、拷贝数变化和CpG甲基化模式。具有成本效益合适、敏感性高、特好和可再生性好等特点。