Row/Column views for rotated grids are projected on NS/EW planes rather than on rotated model co-ordinate axes
In some cases, surfaces generated using the model domain polygon did not fully span the model domain due to differences in numerical precision.
Comprehensive Groundwater Modeling
With Visual MODFLOW Flex you have a comprehensive set of tools necessary for addressing water quality, groundwater supply, and source water protection initiatives, including:
Efficiently Manage Multiple Models
Most modeling projects involve several scenarios/versions, e.g., steady-state vs transient, different properties, inputs and grid types. Visual MODFLOW Flex allows you to assess uncertainty and improve model credibility through comparisons and analysis of multiple modeling scenarios – all within a single project.
Manage multiple model scenarios in a single project
Easily generate multiple models in parallel for evaluating alternative hydrogeologic interpretations and hypotheses
Make direct visual and numerical comparisons between different modeling scenarios
Calculate head differences between multiple model runs, with the same or different grid size
Compare and analyze multiple modeling scenarios for selecting the best, most realistic model