2021年4月20日Stata 新版本17正式发布,17版本在数据处理速度、计量模型以及与其他软件融合方面均有大的更新。Stata 17新功能,大家还不是特别了解,因此,北京天演融智软件有限公司(科学软件网)特意为大家安排一场Stata 17新功能解锁 的在线讲座。为您讲解Stata 17的新功能都有哪些,使用上又有哪些便利呢?

王老师于2013年入选新世纪人才计划,兼任中国人口学会理事、中国性学会理事、国家人口计生委综合改革组、美国人口学会(PAA) 会员、国际人口联盟(IUSSP)会员、IUSSP社会科学定量方法培训组成员、北京大学社会科学方法培训教授、中国性学会青少年性健康教育、美国伊利诺伊大学合作研究员、中国性科学编委会成员等。曾在SSCI/SCI索引及中文核心发表定量研究论文近百篇,如Chinese Sociological Review,《科学》《社会学研究》《中国人口科学》等,出版著作6部;主持国家社科基金项目2项、横向课题12项;以子课题负责人身份参与国家重大自然科学基金2项、国家部委横向课题10余项。

Stata’s reporting features allow you to create Word, PDF, Excel, and HTML documents that incorporate Stata results and graphs with formatted text and tables. Regardless of the type of document you create, you can rely on Stata’s integrated versioning features to ensure that your reports are reproducible.
Want dynamic reports that are updated as your data change? Stata’s reporting features make this easy too. Rerun the command or do-file that created your report with the updated dataset, and all Stata results in the report are updated automatically.
Stata 16 has new and improved reporting features, of course, but as importantly, all of Stata's reporting features are now documented in a new Reporting Reference Manual. The manual includes many new examples that demonstrate workflows and provide guidance on customizing the Word, PDF, Excel, and HTML documents you create using Stata.

summarize displays the mean and standard deviation of a variable across observations; program
writers can access the mean in r(mean) and the standard deviation in r(sd) (see [R] summarize).
egen’s rowmean() function creates the means of observations across variables. rowmedian() creates
the medians of observations across variables. rowpctile() returns the #th percentile of the variables
specified in varlist. rowsd() creates the standard deviations of observations across variables.
rownonmiss() creates a count of the number of nonmissing observations, the denominator of the
rowmean() calculation