The posterior density (shown in red) is more peaked and shifted to the left compared with the prior
distribution (shown in blue). The posterior distribution combined the prior information about with
intro — Introduction to Bayesian analysis 3
the information from the data, from which y = 0 provided evidence for a low value of and shifted
the prior density to the left to form the posterior density. Based on this posterior distribution, the
posterior mean estimate of is 2=(2 + 40) = 0.048 and the posterior probability that, for example,
< 0.10 is about 93%.
If we compute a standard frequentist estimate of a population proportion as a fraction of the
infected subjects in the sample, y = y=n, we will obtain 0 with the corresponding 95% confidence
interval (y �� 1.96
y (1 �� y)=n; y + 1.96
y (1 �� y)=n) reducing to 0 as well. It may be difficult
to convince a health policy maker that the prevalence of the disease in that city is indeed 0, given
the small sample size and the prior information available from comparable cities about a nonzero
prevalence of this disease.

generate’s sum() function creates the vertical, running sum of its argument, whereas egen’s
total() function creates a constant equal to the overall sum. egen’s rowtotal() function, however,
creates the horizontal sum of its arguments. They all treat missing as zero. However, if the missing
option is specified with total() or rowtotal(), then newvar will contain missing values if all
values of exp or varlist are missing.

mean and posterior standard deviation, involve integration. If the integration cannot be performed
analytically to obtain a closed-form solution, sampling techniques such as Monte Carlo integration
and MCMC and numerical integration are commonly used.
Bayesian hypothesis testing can take two forms, which we refer to as interval-hypothesis testing
and model-hypothesis testing. In an interval-hypothesis testing, the probability that a parameter or
a set of parameters belongs to a particular interval or intervals is computed. In model hypothesis
testing, the probability of a Bayesian model of interest given the observed data is computed.
Model comparison is another common step of Bayesian analysis. The Bayesian framework provides
a systematic and consistent approach to model comparison using the notion of posterior odds and
related to them Bayes factors. See [BAYES] bayesstats ic for details.
Finally, prediction of some future unobserved data may also be of interest in Bayesian analysis.
The prediction of a new data point is performed conditional on the observed data using the so-called
posterior predictive distribution, which involves integrating out all parameters from the model with
respect to their posterior distribution. Again, Monte Carlo integration is often the only feasible option
for obtaining predictions. Prediction can also be helpful in estimating the goodness of fit of a model.

In Stata 16, we introduce a new, unified suite of commands for modeling choice data. We have added new commands for summarizing choice data. We renamed and improved existing commands for fitting choice models. We even added a new command for fitting mixed logit models for panel data. And we document them together in the new Choice Models Reference Manual.
And here’s the best part: margins now works after fitting choice models. This means you can now easily interpret the results of your choice models. While the coefficients estimated in choice models are often almost uninterpretable, margins allows you to ask and answer very specific questions based on your results. Say that you are modeling choice of transportation. You can answer questions such as
• What proportion of travelers are expected to choose air travel?
• How does the probability of traveling by car change for each additional $10,000 in income?
• If wait times at the airport increase by 30 minutes, how does this affect the choice of each mode of transportation?
What else is new? You now cmset your data before fitting a choice model. For instance,
. cmset personid transportmethod
Then, you use cmsummarize, cmchoiceset, cmtab, and cmsample to explore, summarize, and look for potential problems in your data.
And you use cm estimation commands to fit one of the following choice models:
• cmclogit conditional logit (McFadden’s choice) model
• cmmixlogit mixed logit model
• cmxtmixlogit panel-data mixed logit model
• cmmprobit multinomial probit model
• cmroprobit rank-ordered probit model
• cmrologit rank-ordered logit model
Unlike the others, cmxtmixlogit is not renamed and improved. It is completely new in Stata 16, and