Environmental Data Management & Visualization
Whether managing groundwater, well profiles, or environmental data, conducting in-depth analysis of aquifer vulnerability, visualizing vast amounts of data in three dimensions, or preparing effective reports, our advanced groundwater and well profile data management software applications ensure your entire team has access to the tools required to complete the project efficiently.
The SAMG solver is available with MODFLOW-USG
Visual MODFLOW Flex warns you and allows you to back up a project before irreversibly upgrading projects created in previous versions
You can specify ground surface or heads from a previous model run instead of using the initial head property values at the translation step for MODFLOW-USG runs
You can zoom to an object in the Model Explorer in a 2D viewer using the context menu
点、多边形和曲线数据 (.SHP, .XLS,.DXF, .TXT, .CSV, .MDB)
3D Surfaces (.DEM, .ASC, .GRD, .TXT)
站点地图、航空和卫星图像 (.JPG, . BMP, .TIF, .GIF)
从Hydro GeoAnalyst导入的钻孔数据、时间安排和剖面图
从Groundwater Vistas, GMS, ModelMuse and PMWIN.导入的MODFLOW 文件
Native MODFLOW文件
已有的 Visual MODFLOW Projects (.VMF)
3D Gridded Data (.HDS and .DAT)
LST file takes a long time to print for transient models
Unhandled Exception when viewing certain .DXF files with unsupported components in a 2D Viewer
Performance Issues on Project Load and Reload