With MATLAB® and related data analysis products you perform analyses and gain insight into your data in a fraction of the time required with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages such as C, C++, or Visual Basic.
These products combine a powerful numeric engine and programming environment with interactive tools for statistical analysis, image processing, ** processing, and other domains. You can:
Access data from files, spreadsheets, databases, test equipment, data acquisition hardware, other software, or the Web
Explore your data to identify trends, test hypotheses, and estimate uncertainty
Create customized algorithms, visualizations, and models and publish customized reports
Share your analysis tools as MATLAB code or as standalone desktop or Web applications

**的和科学家们都依赖 MATLAB

MATLAB® helps geoscientists understand the dynamics, preconditions, and trends related to Earth, the ocean, and the atmosphere. You can use MATLAB for projects such as studying climate change's impact on global coral reefs, analyzing seismic activity, or modeling water flow. MATLAB can help whether you’re collecting data from the field or from facilities such as IRIS's Data Managment Center.
Analyze and visualize your data using techniques such as statistics, ** processing, image processing, and mapping. With MATLAB, you can build and simulate models of past and future environmental events.
Work with a variety of data sources to access and analyze data from peer research, government- and university-funded data facilities, and other software packages. Synthesize flawed and large data, collaborate across universities and institutions, and access computing resources for large-scale analyses and simulations.
Explore community toolboxes and apps on File Exchange and GitHub®, where researchers often publish code artifacts tied to innovative scientific findings.

Computational and Experimental Studies
Neuroscientists turn to MATLAB for a range of use cases:
MATLAB is used to analyze structural, functional, and simulated neural data at all scales, from individual synapses to the whole brain.
Experimental neuroscientists use MATLAB and Simulink to control experiments, including behavioral tasks, psychophysical data streams, and live control loops such as brain-computer interface (BCI) systems.
Computational neuroscientists use MATLAB to simulate neurons and brain circuits, uncovering basic principles and helping to explain and design experiments.
Explore MATLAB resources and recent features for neuroscience applications.