Multiple datasets in memory in Stata 16
You can now load multiple datasets into memory. You type
. use people
and people.dta is loaded into memory. Next, you type
. frame create counties
. frame counties: use counties
and you have two datasets in memory. people.dta is in the frame named default, and counties.dta is in the frame named counties. Your current frame is still default. Most Stata commands use the data in the current frame. For example, if you typed
. list
then people.dta will be listed. If you typed
. frame counties: list
then counties.dta will be listed. Or you could make counties the current frame by typing
. frame change counties
and list will now list the counties data.
Navigating frames is easy and so is linking them. Imagine that both datasets have a variable named countycode that identifies counties in the same way. Type
. frlink m:1 countycode, frame(counties)
and each person in the default frame is linked to a county in the counties frame. This means you can now use the frget command to copy variables from the counties frame to the current frame. Or you can use the frval() function to directly access the values of variables in the counties frame. For instance, if we have each individual’s income in the default frame and median county income in the counties frame, we can generate a new variable containing relative income by typing
. generate rel_income = income / frval(counties, median_income)
This is the beginning. While this example uses only two frames, you can have up to 100 frames in memory at once, and you can have many links among those frames.

We used a beta prior distribution in this example, but we could have chosen another prior distribution
that supports our prior knowledge. For the final analysis, it is important to consider a range of different
prior distributions and investigate the sensitivity of the results to the chosen priors.
For more details about this example, see Hoff (2009). Also see Beta-binomial model in
[BAYES] bayesmh for how to fit this model using bayesmh.
Bayesian versus frequentist analysis, or why Bayesian analysis?
Why use Bayesian analysis? Perhaps a better question is when to use Bayesian analysis and when
to use frequentist analysis. The answer to this question mainly lies in your research problem. You
should choose an analysis that answers your specific research questions. For example, if you are
interested in estimating the probability that the parameter of interest belongs to some prespecified
interval, you will need the Bayesian framework, because this probability cannot be estimated within
the frequentist framework. If you are interested in a repeated-sampling inference about your parameter,
the frequentist framework provides that.

How to do Bayesian analysis
Bayesian analysis starts with the specification of a posterior model. The posterior model describes
the probability distribution of all model parameters conditional on the observed data and some prior
knowledge. The posterior distribution has two components: a likelihood, which includes information
about model parameters based on the observed data, and a prior, which includes prior information
(before observing the data) about model parameters. The likelihood and prior models are combined
using the Bayes rule to produce the posterior distribution

This entry provides a software-free introduction to Bayesian analysis. See [BAYES] bayes for an
overview of the software for performing Bayesian analysis and for an overview example.