The first lines of code were written in 1975, at Manitoba Hydro by Dennis Woodford (Technical Director of the Centre 1986 - 2001), out of a need for a simulation tool that was sufficiently powerful and flexible to study the Nelson River HVDC power system in Manitoba, Canada.
Following the success of this study, development of the program continued through the next two decades. Over this time, a full spectrum of professionally developed models was eventually accumulated (as needed for various simulation projects) - in addition to various enhancements to the actual solution engine itself.
DSDYN and DSOUT Subroutines
The DSDYN and DSOUT subroutines provide accessibility for control and monitoring of system variables on either side of the electric network. This offers a great advantage in programming flexibility, as it enables both the control of input variables and the monitoring of output variables, all within the same time step. This is an important concept, especially in the design of control systems involving feedback: Judicial selection of code placement can help avoid time delays that are uncharacteristic to the real system being modeled.
When it pertains to source code insertion into the system dynamics, there is no difference between DSDYN and DSOUT, besides their sequence in the solution process. However, there are specific uses for each, and certain code may be more optimally utilized when it is placed in one, rather than the other. For example, DSOUT is primarily used to define output variables directly following the electric network solution. Of course, DSDYN could be used for this purpose as well, but the same output variables would be delayed, due to the time step increment between DSOUT and DSDYN (see Figure 2-1). Likewise, variables controlling electric devices (i.e. network input variables) are best defined in DSDYN, as then updates will occur in the same time step before the network solution.
增强画线:包括橡皮嵌条, 对齐网格和跳线显示。
System Dynamics
The system dynamics is an essential part of the EMTDC solution process. It serves to encompass the electric network, providing the ability to interface with it on either side: Data may be controlled from one side, while extracted from the other.
Essentially a Fortran program in its own right, the system dynamics is built according to customizable specifications. These specifications are normally provided through PSCAD, in the form of components and modules. Components and modules are graphical representations of how the final program is to be structured, where each module, including the main page, is represented by a unique Fortran file. This file consists of declarations for a DSDYN subroutine, a DSOUT subroutine, and two BEGIN subroutines. Components always exist within modules, so as such they represent inline code that combines to define the contents of each subroutine.
Of course, some components are electrical in nature and hence provide information for the construction of the electric network as well. This information is collected and inserted into a Data file, where each module in a project possesses its own unique Data file. Data files are discussed in more detail later on in the section entitled Electric Network Solution.