Confidence Intervals for the Area Under an ROC Curve
Sensitivity and Specificity
Confidence Intervals for One-Sample Sensitivity
Confidence Intervals for One-Sample Specificity
Confidence Intervals for One-Sample Sensitivity and Specificity
Standard Deviation
Confidence Intervals for One Standard Deviation using Standard Deviation
Confidence Intervals for One Standard Deviation using Relative Error
Confidence Intervals for One Standard Deviation with Tolerance Probability

One Mean
Confidence Interval
Confidence Intervals for One Mean in a Cluster-Randomized Design
Confidence Intervals for One Mean in a Stratified Cluster-Randomized Design
Two Means
Test (Inequality)
Tests for Two Means in a Cluster-Randomized Design
Tests for Two Means in a Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomized Design
Tests for the Matched-Pair Difference of Two Means in a Cluster-Randomized Design
GEE Tests for Two Means in a Cluster-Randomized Design
GEE Tests for Two Means in a Stratified Cluster-Randomized Design
GEE Tests for Two Means in a Split-Mouth Design

List of Sample Size Procedures – Over 965 Scenarios
This page contains a list of the tests and confidence intervals for which sample size and power can be calculated by PASS. For a more in-depth look at the features of PASS, please download the free trial. Click to see some additional details about one or two means, multiple means, correlation, normality tests, variances, one proportion, two proportions, chi-square and other proportions tests, survival, or regression in PASS.

Intraclass Correlation
Tests for Intraclass Correlation
Confidence Intervals for Intraclass Correlation
Kappa Rater Agreement
Kappa Test for Agreement Between Two Raters
Confidence Intervals for Kappa
Lin’s Concordance Correlation
Lin’s Concordance Correlation Coefficient