Advantages and disadvantages of Bayesian analysis
Bayesian analysis is a powerful analytical tool for statistical modeling, interpretation of results,
and prediction of data. It can be used when there are no standard frequentist methods available or
the existing frequentist methods fail. However, one should be aware of both the advantages and
disadvantages of Bayesian analysis before applying it to a specific problem.
The universality of the Bayesian approach is probably its main methodological advantage to the
traditional frequentist approach. Bayesian inference is based on a single rule of probability, the Bayes
rule, which is applied to all parametric models. This makes the Bayesian approach universal and
greatly facilitates its application and interpretation. The frequentist approach, however, relies on a
variety of estimation methods designed for specific statistical problems and models. Often, inferential
methods designed for one class of problems cannot be applied to another class of models.

Frequentist inference is based on the sampling distributions of estimators of parameters and provides
parameter point estimates and their standard errors as well as confidence intervals. The exact sampling
distributions are rarely known and are often approximated by a large-sample normal distribution.
Bayesian inference is based on the posterior distribution of the parameters and provides summaries of
this distribution including posterior means and their MCMC standard errors (MCSE) as well as credible
intervals. Although exact posterior distributions are known only in a number of cases, general posterior
distributions can be estimated via, for example, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling without
any large-sample approximation.
Frequentist confidence intervals do not have straightforward probabilistic interpretations as do
Bayesian credible intervals. For example, the interpretation of a 95% confidence interval is that if
we repeat the same experiment many times and compute confidence intervals for each experiment,
then 95% of those intervals will contain the true value of the parameter. For any given confidence
interval, the probability that the true value is in that interval is either zero or one, and we do not
know which. We may only infer that any given confidence interval provides a plausible range for the
true value of the parameter. A 95% Bayesian credible interval, on the other hand, provides a range
for a parameter such that the probability that the parameter lies in that range is 95%.

Nonlinear DSGE models in Stata 15
In Stata 15, we introduced the dsge command for fitting linear DSGE models, which are time-series models used in economics and finance. These models are an alternative to traditional forecasting models. Both attempt to explain aggregate economic phenomena, but DSGE models do this on the basis of models derived from microeconomic theory.
New in Stata 16, the dsgenl command fits nonlinear DSGE models. Most DSGE models are nonlinear, and this means that you no longer need to linearize them by hand. When you enter equations into dsgenl, it linearizes them for you.
After estimating the parameters of your model with dsgenl, you can obtain the transition and policy matrices; determine the model’s steady state; estimate variables’ variances, covariances, and autocovariances implied by the system of equations; and create and graph impulse–response functions.
This is likely to be the favorite feature of macroeconomists and anyone working in a central bank.

您可以重组数据,管理变量,并收集各组并重复统计。您可以处理字节,整数,long, float,double和字符串变量(包括BLOB和达到20亿个字符的字符串)。Stata还有一些的工具用来管理的数据,如生存/时间数据、时间序列数据、面板/纵向数据、分类数据、多重替代数据和调查数据。