MATLAB® and Simulink® enable automotive engineering organizations to accelerate vehicle development processes and to deliver vehicles that meet market requirements for safety, comfort, fuel economy, and performance.
Automotive engineers use MATLAB and Simulink to:
Run simulations to evaluate trade-offs and optimize designs
Develop and test perception, planning, and control algorithms
Validate requirements early through rapid prototyping
Generate code for prototyping or production, in floating or fixed-point, for MCUs, GPUs, SoCs and FPGA devices
Analyze test fleet and production vehicle data
Comply with AUTOSAR and ISO 26262 standards
Automated Driving and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Use MATLAB and Simulink to accelerate the development of automated driving functions including perception, planning, and control functions. Run simulations in Simulink to test, integrate, and tune these functions using programmatically generated scenes and maximize test coverage across various road, traffic, and environmental conditions without expensive prototype vehicles.

MATLAB 和 Simulink 在机器人领域的应用
机器人研究人员和使用 MATLAB 和 Simulink,在同个软件环境下即可全部实现:设计和调优算法,对真实系统进行建模,并自动生成代码。
使用 MATLAB 和 Simulink,您能够:
开发跨硬件的算法并连接到机器人操作系统 (ROS)。
可采用多种语言,如 C/C++、VHDL/Verilog、结构化文本和 CUDA,为微控制器、FPGA、PLC 和 GPU 等嵌入式目标自动生成代码,从而摆脱手动编码。
使用预置的硬件支持包,连接到低成本硬件,如 Arduino 和 Raspberry Pi。

面向嵌入式系统的 MATLAB 和 Simulink
只需按一下按钮,您就可以使用 MATLAB® 和 Simulink® 生成代码并在硬件上运行代码。但是,编码只是其中一项任务 - 了解从原型设计到生产的过程中如何使用 MATLAB 和 Simulink 设计、编码和验证您的下一个嵌入式系统。您可以:
生成优化的 C、C++、CUDA、Verilog、VHDL 及结构化文本
符合各种标准的要求,例如 AUTOSAR、ISO 26262、DO-178、MISRA C 及 CERT C
使用硬件支持包附加组件,在 从 Arduino® 到 Zynq® 的流行电路板上进行原型设计

MATLAB® helps geoscientists understand the dynamics, preconditions, and trends related to Earth, the ocean, and the atmosphere. You can use MATLAB for projects such as studying climate change's impact on global coral reefs, analyzing seismic activity, or modeling water flow. MATLAB can help whether you’re collecting data from the field or from facilities such as IRIS's Data Managment Center.
Analyze and visualize your data using techniques such as statistics, ** processing, image processing, and mapping. With MATLAB, you can build and simulate models of past and future environmental events.
Work with a variety of data sources to access and analyze data from peer research, government- and university-funded data facilities, and other software packages. Synthesize flawed and large data, collaborate across universities and institutions, and access computing resources for large-scale analyses and simulations.
Explore community toolboxes and apps on File Exchange and GitHub®, where researchers often publish code artifacts tied to innovative scientific findings.