Creating the command file
Before creating a new command file for the model given above, the relevant MDM file on which
the analysis is to be based must be selected. In this case, we will simply continue using the MDM
file constructed previously. However, to use another previously created MDM file, the Create a
new model using an existing MDM file option should be selected from the File menu.
On the left of the main window, th

After saving the command file, clicking the Run Analysis option at the top of the main window
initiates the analysis. A screen showing details of the iterative procedure is shown. Note that the
information on the screen is also given as part of the WHLM output file

Time-limited, fully functional licenses for students enrolled in courses or workshops are available free of charge, provided that the instructor maintains a paid and active SSI Live™ Standard subscription to the program in question. let us know the start and end dates of your classes, and the names and email addresses of the enrolled students so we can set up these individual licenses. Once the licenses are ready, we will let you know, and then you may inform your students that the licenses are available for their use. This option is available for HLM, LISREL, and SuperMix. For more information,

The reliabilities of group-level parameter estimates in the output indicate the reliability with which
one can discriminate among the groups using their OLS estimates of the random parameter(s). Note
that low reliabilities do not invalidate the HLM analysis, but that very low reliabilities (e.g. < .10)
often indicate that a random coefficient might be considered fixed in subsequent analyses.