Solving the mixture analysis problem
Decompose mixture spectra into pure (chemical) components and their respective estimated concentrations using multivariate curve resolution (MCR). Flexible options are available to optimise the procedure. These inlcude options for adding constraints and information about available pure spectra or concentration profiles. In addition to concentration and pure component profiles, outputs include diagnostics to evaluate the model fit.
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Unscrambler is available as subscription with single- and multi-user plans. Please contact us for a quote and we’ll help you find the best solution.
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Process Pulse is an integrated platform for Process Analytical Technology (PAT) with all the tools needed for continuous manufacturing.
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Rapid analytical measurements are an integral part of process monitoring and control. With Process Pulse, you can monitor all types of process data with full process visibility, early fault detection and deviation warnings for continuous improvement. It is a scalable and flexible process spectroscopy and monitoring tool that uses powerful multivariate analytics to monitor at-line, on-line and in-line processes.