When asking GPMAW to align the sequences, the program will call ClustalW.exe (if located correctly in the \gpmaw\bin\clustalw\ directory) and the alignment will take place in the background (GPMAW will show a counter while waiting). After the alignment ClustalW will save to a file on disk, which will be loaded and arranged by GPMAW. Remember to right-click in the window to view options.
In the directory \gpmaw\bin\ (usually located either in the c:\ root or in c:\program files\) you create a new directory called ClustalW. Into this directory you copy all of the decompressed files from clustalw1.83.DOS.zip. The files having the extension .h and .c are source code files and can be deleted.
As can be seen in the sequence part of the figure, modified residues are colored (red). More
Color residues. You can color residues in the sequence in up to three different colors. Click on the main button to enter residues or sequences (motifs) in specific colors. Alternatively select the drop-down list for quick access to the most common residues (e.g. Lys+Arg for tryptic cleavages sites; Phe, Tyr + Trp for chymotryptic cleavage sites etc.). More (Coloring residues)