Percentile Distributional Fitting:
uses percentiles and optimization to find the best-fitting distribution.
Probability Distributions’ Charts and Tables:
runs 45 probability distributions, their four moments, CDF, ICDF, PDF, charts, and overlay multiple distributional charts, and generates probability distribution tables.
Turbo Speed Analytics:
We added a new high-speed engine in our forecast methods and analytical tools. Same analyses results as in previous versions but they now run 10X to 30X faster depending on the analysis and your processor speed!
Multiple Excel Versions:
Users with both Excel 2007 and Excel 2003/XP loaded can now easily and seamlessly run Risk Simulator on any Excel versions in a single computer. There is now an Excel version switching tool that allows you to determine which version of Excel to start Risk Simulator with.
Multiple Cell Copy/Paste:
You can now copy and paste multiple cells with noncontiguous assumptions and forecasts.
Distributional Analysis Tool:
The ultra powerful Distributional Analysis tool now has a facelift where you can run PDF, CDF, ICDF and combinations of these on a data grid, copy the computed data, and view different chart types.
Edit Correlation Tool:
The Edit Correlation between input assumptions tool now supports an interactive visual correlation chart.
Excel 2013, 2016 and WIN7/8/10:
This new version supports Windows 7, 8, 10 – 32 and 64 bit versions, and Excel 2013, 2016 – 32 bit and 64 bit versions.
Auto Econometrics:
This new forecasting tool is used to run hundreds and even thousands of model combinations and permutations using smart heuristics to determine the best-fitting model for your data, by testing linear, nonlinear, lagged, lead, interacting, nested, and other models. This tool is the counterpart to the ROV Risk Modeler software’s detailed autoeconometrics, which is capable of running hundreds of thousands to a few million models on large datasets.