Time vs. Phasor Domain Simulation
EMTDC is a class of simulation tool, which differs from phasor domain solution engines, such as load-flow and transient stability programs. These tools utilize steady-state equations to represent electrical circuits, but will actually solve the differential equations of machine mechanical dynamics.
EMTDC results are solved as instantaneous values in time, yet can be converted into phasor magnitudes and angles via built-in transducer and measurement functions in PSCAD - similar to the way real system measurements are performed.
Since load-flow and stability programs work with steady-state equations to represent the power system, they can output only fundamental frequency magnitude and phase information. EMTDC can duplicate the response of the power system at all frequencies, bounded only by the user-selected time step.
● 高压直流输电规划与可行性研究
● 操作,维护和调试服务
● 为LCC和VSC包括现代模块化多电平换流器
● 交直流系统相互作用
● 交互作用
● 滤波器设计
● 接地较设计
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PSCAD™ is a registered trademark of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.
EMTDC™ is a trademark of Manitoba Hydro, and Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. is a registered user.
Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7, Vista, Developer Studio are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Intel and Intel Visual Fortran are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Optimal design of controller parameters
Industrial systems including compensation controllers, drives, electric furnaces, filters, etc.
Investigation of new circuit and control concepts
Lightning strikes, faults or breaker operations.
Steep front and fast front studies.
Investigate the pulsing effects of diesel engines and wind turbines on electric networks.