Stata 16 Feature highlights:
1. Lasso
2. Reporting
3. Meta-analysis
4. Choice models
5. Python integration
6. New in Bayesian analysis—Multiple chains, predictions, and more
7. Panel-data ERMs
8. Import data from SAS and SPSS
9. Nonparametric series regression
10. Multiple datasets in memory
11. Sample-size analysis for confidence intervals
12. Nonlinear DSGE models
13. Multiple-group IRT models
14. xtheckman
15. Multiple-dose pharmacokinetic modeling
16. Heteroskedastic ordered probit models
17. Graph sizes in printer points, centimeters, and inches
18. Numerical integration
19. Linear programming
20. Stata in Korean
21. Mac interface now supports Dark Mode and native tabbed windows
22. Do-file Editor—Autocompletion and more syntax highlighting

In Bayesian analysis, we seek a balance between prior information in a form of expert knowledge
or belief and evidence from data at hand. Achieving the right balance is one of the difficulties in
Bayesian modeling and inference. In general, we should not allow the prior information to overwhelm
the evidence from the data, especially when we have a large data sample. A famous theoretical
result, the Bernstein–von Mises theorem, states that in large data samples, the posterior distribution is
independent of the prior distribution and, therefore, Bayesian and likelihood-based inferences should
yield essentially the same results. On the other hand, we need a strong enough prior to support weak
evidence that usually comes from insufficient data. It is always good practice to perform sensitivity
analysis to check the dependence of the results on the choice of a prior.

Sample-size analysis for confidence intervals in Stata 16
The new ciwidth command performs Precision and Sample Size (PrSS) analysis, which is sample-size analysis for confidence intervals (CIs). This method is used when you are planning a study and you want to optimally allocate resources when CIs are to be used for inference. Said differently, you use this method when you want to estimate the sample size required to achieve the desired precision of a CI in a planned study.
ciwidth produces sample sizes, precision, and more that are required for the
• CI for one mean
• CI for one variance
• CI for two independent means
• CI for two paired means
The control panel interface lets you select the analysis type and input assumptions to obtain desired results.
ciwidth allows results to be displayed in customizable tables and graphs.
ciwidth also provides facilities for you to add your own methods.

● 基本表格和总结
● 案例对照分析
● 线性回归
● 时间序列平滑
● 多层模型
● 生存分析
● 动态面板数据回归
● 结构方程建模
● 二进制,计数和审查结果
■ 标准方法,如■ 方法,如
● 多重替代法
● 调查数据
● Treatment effects
● 统计
● 贝叶斯分析
● ……