Figure 1.1 First ten cases in HSB1.SAV
Level-2 file. At level 2, the illustrative data set HSB2.SAV consists of 160 schools with 6
variables per school. The variables are:
• SIZE (school enrollment)
• SECTOR (1 = Catholic, 0 = public)
• PRACAD (proportion of students in the academic track)
• DISCLIM (a scale measuring disciplinary climate)
• HIMNTY (1 = more than 40% minority enrollment, 0 = less than 40%)
• MEANSES (mean of the SES values for the students in this school who are included in
the level-1 file)

Once the iterative procedure has converged, the output will automatically be displayed in the
format set on the Preferences dialog box.
3. Interpreting the output
Partial output for this model is shown below. The first set of results is for the homogeneous model:
Final estimation of fixed effects:
Fixed Effect Coefficient Standard
t-ratio Approx.
d.f. p-value
For INTRCPT1, β0
INTRCPT2, γ00 13.345654 0.261011 51.131 159 <0.001
For FEMALE slope, β1
INTRCPT2, γ10 -1.381355 0.185852 -7.433 159 <0.001
Final estimation of fixed effects
(with robust standard errors)
Fixed Effect Coefficient Standard
t-ratio Approx.
d.f. p-value
For INTRCPT1, β0
INTRCPT2, γ00 13.345654 0.261027 51.127 159 <0.001
For FEMALE slope, β1
INTRCPT2, γ10 -1.381355 0.185897 -7.431 159 <0.001
Final estimation of variance components
Random Effect Standard
Component d.f. χ2 p-value
INTRCPT1, u0 2.93070 8.58901 122 589.08609 <0.001
FEMALE slope, u1 0.80442 0.64709 122 139.99921 0.127
level-1, r 6.22361 38.73330
Note: The chi-square statistics reported above are based on only 123 of 160
units that had sufficient data for computation. Fixed effects and variance
components are based on all the data.

Next, browse for the MDM file HSB.MDM. Click OK to return to the main window, where the
names of the variables contained in the MDM file are now displayed at the left of the window.
Select the variable MATHACH as outcome variable, as shown below.

Statistics for the current model
Deviance = 47049.462733
Number of estimated parameters = 6
This is followed by the results for the heterogeneous model.
Var(R) = σ2 and log(σ2) = α0 + α1(FEMALE)