讲座时间:5月12日 15:00-16:00
讲座概述: Stata 17的所有功能更新,本次讲座全部囊括。
1、 数据搜集和数据输出
2、 非参数模型
3、 DID模型的命令
4、 离散选择模型
5、 区间删失Cox模型
6、 贝叶斯面板数据模型、贝叶斯多层模型、贝叶斯VAR模型

Sample-size analysis for confidence intervals in Stata 16
The new ciwidth command performs Precision and Sample Size (PrSS) analysis, which is sample-size analysis for confidence intervals (CIs). This method is used when you are planning a study and you want to optimally allocate resources when CIs are to be used for inference. Said differently, you use this method when you want to estimate the sample size required to achieve the desired precision of a CI in a planned study.
ciwidth produces sample sizes, precision, and more that are required for the
• CI for one mean
• CI for one variance
• CI for two independent means
• CI for two paired means
The control panel interface lets you select the analysis type and input assumptions to obtain desired results.
ciwidth allows results to be displayed in customizable tables and graphs.
ciwidth also provides facilities for you to add your own methods.


The principles of Bayesian analysis date back to the work of Thomas Bayes, who was a Presbyterian
minister in Tunbridge Wells and Pierre Laplace, a French mathematician, astronomer, and physicist in
the 18th century. Bayesian analysis started as a simple intuitive rule, named after Bayes, for updating
beliefs on account of some evidence. For the next 200 years, however, Bayes’s rule was an
obscure idea. Along with the rapid development of the standard or frequentist statistics in 20th century,
Bayesian methodology was also developing, although with less attention and at a slower pace. One
of the obstacles for the progress of Bayesian ideas has been the lasting opinion among mainstream
statisticians of it being subjective. Another more-tangible problem for adopting Bayesian models in
practice has been the lack of adequate computational resources. Nowadays, Bayesian statistics is
widely accepted by researchers and practitioners as a valuable and feasible alternative.
Bayesian analysis proliferates in diverse areas including industry and government, but its application
in sciences and engineering is particularly visible. Bayesian statistical inference is used in econometrics
(Poirier [1995]; Chernozhukov and Hong [2003]; Kim, Shephard, and Chib [1998], Zellner [1997]);
education (Johnson 1997); epidemiology (Greenland 1998); engineering (Godsill and Rayner 1998);
genetics (Iversen, Parmigiani, and Berry 1999); social sciences (Pollard 1986); hydrology (Parent
et al. 1998); quality management (Rios Insua 1990); atmospheric sciences (Berliner et al. 1999); and
law (DeGroot, Fienberg, and Kadane 1986), to name a few.