The procedure to create an MDM file consists of three major steps. The user needs to
• Inform HLM of the input and MDM file type.
• Supply HLM with the appropriate information for the data, the command and the MDM
• Check if the data have been properly read into HLM.
We illustrate the use of SPSS file input.
Description of the data
High School and Beyond (HS&B) is a national longitudinal study originally funded by the United
States Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) as a part of their
longitudinal studies program. Its purpose was to document the “educational, vocational, and
personal development of young people following them over time as they begin to take on
roles and responsibilities”. Here a subset of the data representing 160 schools and a total of 7,185
students is used to illustrate the fitting and interpretation of a two-level hierarchical linear model.
Time-limited, fully functional licenses for students enrolled in courses or workshops are available free of charge, provided that the instructor maintains a paid and active SSI Live™ Standard subscription to the program in question. let us know the start and end dates of your classes, and the names and email addresses of the enrolled students so we can set up these individual licenses. Once the licenses are ready, we will let you know, and then you may inform your students that the licenses are available for their use. This option is available for HLM, LISREL, and SuperMix. For more information,