ViewHAR warns you if some other program has changed the file you are viewing. The dialog that appears in this case now offers a "Don't-ask-again" option. More details here. [Apr 2012]
![gempack 教程](//l.b2b168.com/2020/06/18/17/202006181725027765464.jpg)
ViewHAR is now more forgiving if you try to view a HAR file which is too large to fit in memory. Even if some headers are too large to store and view, smaller remaining headers can still be viewed. See Not enough memory to load array. There is also a way to view one header from a HAR file -- which may assist in viewing very large arrays. See Command Line and File Association [Apr 2014]
![gempack 教程](//l.b2b168.com/2021/09/28/15/202109281555358594494.jpg)
Since May 2014 both TABmate and ViewHAR by default delete BAK files more than 2 days old -- see Options [May 2014]
![gempack 教程](//l.b2b168.com/2019/07/18/10/201907181030369734964.jpg)
GUI program improvments
the first 10 items in File menu most recently used (MRU) list can be accessed using 0-9 keys
speed up of program start-up
Source-code GEMPACK now supports Intel Fortran 19