ChromasPro is suitable for DNA sequence assembly projects up to a few megabases, and basic sequence editing and analysis. It is able to assemble data from Sanger sequencers such as ABI, and 454 and Illumina next-generation sequencers, with up to 1,000,000 sequences if 8 Gb RAM is available. ChromasPro has the following features

ChromasPro DNA序列分析软件
Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.
Your free trial lasts for 14 days. Please see the purchase page for licensing.
Upgrade from earlier versions is free for licensed users.
Please note: ChromasPro 2 will install separately from versions older than 1.9.9. It is recommended that you uninstall any old version present. See the version history for changes to recent versions.

打开Applied Biosystems .ab1, Staden Chromatogram (SCF and ZTR), 454 SFF, FASTA, FASTQ, EMBL, GenBank, SwissProt, GenPept, GCG RSF和纯文本格式中的序列。
以.ab1, .scf, .fasta 和.fastq格式保存序列。

Fixed aligned chromatogram base numbering bug which sometimes ignored gaps in the number calculation.
Vectors used in trimming project sequences are now saved in the project file.
Clipboard copy now works on aligned sequences.
Added FASTQ format copy option.
Added trim low quality option on opening of sequence files.
Added ‘Open Project’ menu item with it’s own most recent folder.
Graphics (restriction maps, graphs, etc.) can now be saved.
Files containing multiple sequences now open in a project by default.
The restriction map options box can be recalled if closed with a map still open.
Ctrl+mou*heel now zooms the chromatogram Y-axis.