The GTAP Data Base is a consistent representation of the world economy for a pre-determined reference year. Underlying the data base there are several data sources, including among others: national input-output (I-O) tables, trade, macroeconomic, energy and protection data. The underlying input-output tables are heterogeneous in sources, methodology, base years, and sectoral detail, thus for achieving consistency, substantial efforts are made to make the disparate sources comparable. For these reasons, the objective of the GTAP Data Base is not to provide I-O tables, but to facilitate the operation of economic simulation models ensuring users a consistent set of economic facts. Some users interested in particular Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) use utilities written by researchers in the network to extract them. Users building I-O tables based on this information do that under their own risk, and are assumed to understand the limitations imposed by the process of data base construction.
Utilities for GAMs users
The GTAPinGAMS programs include tools for translation of the GTAP files into GAMS readable form, GAMS programs for dataset aggregation, filtering and the imposition of alternative tax rates on trade or domestic transactions. Versions of GTAPinGAMs:
Older versions of GTAPinGAMs
The SAM extraction program - GTAP Technical Paper No. 22 includes some GAMS programs for extracting SAMS from the GTAP data and making them useable with global Gams models. These programs were developed by Scott McDonald.
GDX2HAR - Utilities written by Tom Rutherford and Mark Horridge make it relatively easy to convert data between GEMPACK and GAMS.
The GTAP Data Base is not a relational database of economic variables. Users interested in economic data only for comparative purposes are better served by sources such as the World Bank Development Indicators (WDI), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) financial statistics, or the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics, to name a few. The data in the GTAP Data Base accurately depicts the magnitudes of economic variables, but they are presented in terms of the aggregates that serve Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling.
GTAP at a Glance - For those new to the Global Trade Analysis Project, it may be helpful to view the "GTAP at a Glance" video to get a better idea of what GTAP is and how it plays into the world of global economic and trade analysis.