MAPGLIM执行 Maximum A Priori (MAP)法来拟合广义线性模型到多级数据中。
The results above implies that the attitudes towards home and school, GPA score and self-esteem around
peers exert a statistically significant influence on work ethics if a significance level of 5% is used. In
addition, it show that attitude towards school, GPA score and socio-economic status exert a statistically
significant influence on self-esteem around peers.
The estimated covariance matrix of the exogenous variables of the model in Figure 1 is listed in the
following text editor window.
Click on the Next push button to load the Group Names dialog box. Click on the Next push button to
load the Labels dialog box. Click on the Add/Read Variables push button to load the Add/Read
Variables dialog box.
Select the LISREL System File option in the Read from file: dropdown list box. Click on the Browse
push button to load the Browse dialog box. Select the file MGGIRLS_IMPUTED.LSF. Click on the
OK push button to return to the Labels dialog box.
Click on the Add Latent Variables push button to load the Add Variables dialog box. Enter the label
Visual for visual perception in the string field and click on the OK push button to return to the Labels
dialog box. Repeat this to enter the label Verbal for verbal ability in the string field. Click on the OK
push button to produce the following Labels dialog box.
During the last forty-five years, the LISREL model, methods and software have become synonymous with structural equation modeling (SEM). Today, however, LISREL is no longer limited to SEM. LISREL 10 includes the -bit statistical applications LISREL, PRELIS, MULTILEV, SURVEYGLIM and MAPGLIM.