EMTDC is most suitable for simulating the time domain instantaneous responses (also popularly known as electromagnetic transients) of electrical systems.
The power of EMTDC is greatly enhanced by its state-of-the-art Graphical User Interface called PSCAD. PSCAD allows the user to graphically assemble the circuit, run the simulation, analyze the results, and manage the data in a completely integrated graphical environment.
One of the ways to understand the behaviour of complicated systems is to study the response when subjected to disturbances or parametric variations. Computer simulation is one way of producing these responses, which can be studied by observing time domain instantaneous values, time domain RMS values, or the frequency components of the response.
System Dynamics
The system dynamics is an essential part of the EMTDC solution process. It serves to encompass the electric network, providing the ability to interface with it on either side: Data may be controlled from one side, while extracted from the other.
Essentially a Fortran program in its own right, the system dynamics is built according to customizable specifications. These specifications are normally provided through PSCAD, in the form of components and modules. Components and modules are graphical representations of how the final program is to be structured, where each module, including the main page, is represented by a unique Fortran file. This file consists of declarations for a DSDYN subroutine, a DSOUT subroutine, and two BEGIN subroutines. Components always exist within modules, so as such they represent inline code that combines to define the contents of each subroutine.
Of course, some components are electrical in nature and hence provide information for the construction of the electric network as well. This information is collected and inserted into a Data file, where each module in a project possesses its own unique Data file. Data files are discussed in more detail later on in the section entitled Electric Network Solution.
Convert PSS/E and PowerFactory data files to PSCAD V5.0 and V4.6
Import detailed dynamic data
Import sequence data
Import location data for automatic schematic expansion
Form network equivalents for unexpanded segments of the network
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