Click the tab to activate the page. The active page is displayed in the plot
window. Only the active page is printed or exported. When saving to a
Grapher 13 or earlier file format, only the active page is saved.
Object Manager
The Object Manager contains a hierarchical list of the objects in a
Grapher plot window. The objects can be selected, arranged, and
renamed in the Object Manager or with ribbon commands. Changes
made in the Object Manager are reflected in the plot window, and vice
The graph is created with the specified properties. You can change the
properties of a selected graph, plot, or axis through the Property Manager.
Creating Graphs in the Plot Window
The most common method of creating graphs is to use the Home | New
Graph commands. To create a graph in the plot window:
1. Click or scroll to the Home tab.
2. In the New Graph group, click the Basic, Bar, Polar, Ternary,
Specialty, Statistical, or Contour Surface plot category.
3. Click on the plot type you would like to create.
4. Select a data file in the Open Worksheet dialog and click Open. If you
are creating a contour grid map or surface grid map, you are prompted
for a .GRD file. If you are creating
Creating Graphs
You can create graphs in several ways in Grapher. These methods include
creating graphs with the graph wizard, from the Home tab commands,
from the worksheet, and from templates.
Additional plots, axes, legends, titles, summation plots, duplicate axes, and
magnifiers can be added to the graph after it is created. All properties of
the plot can be edited after the graph is created.
Creating Graphs with the Graph Wizard
The Graph Wizard leads you through the necessary steps to create a new
graph. This is often the fastest way to make a graph with multiple plots
from a single data file. The Graph Wizard also makes it easy to add items
such as axes, legends, and titles.
To create a graph with the graph wizard:
1. Click the Home | New Graph | Wizard command.
2. In the Graph Wizard - Select Data dialog, select the data file for the
graph from the Select File list. A preview of the data file is displayed in
the Data Preview section.
3. Click the Next button.
4. In the Graph Wizard - Select Plot Type dialog, choose a plot type for
the new graph. Filter available Plot types with the Category list or
search for plot types with the Search bar. See a description of the
selected plot type in the Description section, or click Help to view
descriptions for all plot types.
*与同事、利益相关者和客户分析您的图表。快速输出可打印的高质量格式,如PDF或TIFF,或输出PNG或SVG格式在线共享您的工作。另外,Grapher能轻松的插入图表到演示工具中,一个简单的复制粘贴就能插入到Microsoft Word或PowerPoint中。
Organize your objects in the Object Manager and edit your graphs in the Property Manager!
Create templates to use the same graph settings with multiple data files.
Save the graphs in Grapher 7, Grapher 8, Grapher 9, or Grapher 10 GRF or GPJ formats to make sharing documents between colleagues with different versions easier than ever!