Installing Grapher
Installing Grapher requires Administrator rights. Either an administrator
account can be used to install Grapher, or the administrator's credentials
can be entered before installation while logged in to a standard user
account. If you wish to use a Grapher single-user license, the product key
must be activated while logged in to the user account under which
Grapher will be used. For this reason, we recommend logging into
Windows under the account for the Grapher user, and entering the
necessary administrator credentials when prompted.
The Scripter program, included with Grapher, is useful in creating, editing,
and running files that automate Grapher procedures. By writing and
running files, simple mundane tasks or complex system integration
tasks can be performed precisely and repetitively without direct
interaction. Grapher also supports ActiveX Automation using any
compatible client, such as Visual BASIC. The automation capabilities allow
Grapher to be used as a data visualization and graph generation postprocessor for any scientific modeling system.
Using Grapher
Graphs can be created in several ways in Grapher. The Home | New
Graph commands create a graph with a single plot, and then the Add to
Graph commands can be used to add plots and features as desired. The
Graph Wizard quickly creates a new graph with one or more plots from a
single data file. The Graph Wizard can also be used to add features to the
graph, such as legends and titles, as well as to apply a color palette to the
plots in the graph.
Grapher User Interface
Grapher contains four document window types: the plot window,
worksheet window, grid window, and Excel worksheet window. Graphs and
maps are displayed and edited in the plot window. Tabular data files are
displayed, edited, transformed, and saved in the worksheet window. A
native Excel workbook can be opened in the Excel window. Grid files can
be viewed in the grid window. The Grapher user interface consists of the
quick access toolbar, ribbon tabs and commands, tabbed documents,
managers, and a status bar.