This structure allows you to repeat a task over and over. The red chart above on the left does the task and repeats doing the task until the condition is false. It always does the task at least once. The green chart on the right checks the condition first and continues doing the task while the condition is true. In the green chart the task may not be done at all. You can also have the conditions reversed and your loop is still a structured design loop.
If you have to break up a chart, you can use a connector block symbol which is a circle. In the chart above there is a circle with the letter "A" at the bottom left of the chart. This signifies that control should be transferred to another point on the chart that has a circle with the letter "A." That point is located at the upper right corner of the chart. Using connectors allows you to fit charts to the paper more easily. The circle can be used to reference a point on the same page or on another page.
RFFlow版本5要求Microsoft Windows XP、Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 8.1或Windows 10。如果您正在运行这些操作系统中的任何一个,并且具有与windows兼容的鼠标或指针设备,那么您的系统已经满足了运行RFFlow所需的所有要求。RFFlow不能在Mac上运行,除非您有一个用于Microsoft Windows虚拟系统。
You can use the RFFlow stencils or create your own custom stencils with the shapes and lines you need. You can import bitmaps and clip art pictures from files or from the Clipboard and add them to a custom stencil. You can also draw your own custom shapes in RFFlow and add them to a stencil.
Scroll to the Flowcharting folder and click the plus sign to open it.