Grapher .GPJ Project Files
Grapher .GPJ files store all of the information necessary to reproduce the
graph including embedding the data. All scaling, formatting, and
parameters for the graph are preserved in the file. If a .GPJ file needs to
be sent to a colleague, you would only need to send the .GPJ file. This
format is preferred when you want to have the data and the graph
contained in a single file and the data does not change often. If the
embedded worksheets contain fewer than 16,384 rows x 1,048,576
columns, then cell formatting is maintained in the GPJ.
不用浪费时间重复一样的工作。创建脚本来自动执行重复性任务,并直接从Grapher任务栏中运行您喜欢的脚本。可以从任何自动化兼容的编程语言中调用Grapher,如C++,Python或Perl。Grapher可以运送脚本编写者,一个内置的Visual Basic兼容的脚本工具。更好的是,使用脚本记录器对Grapher中的脚本进行操作转换。
Windows 7, 8 (excluding RT), 10 or higher
32-bit and 64-bit operation system support
1024 x 768 or higher monitor resolution with minimum 16-bit color depth
At least 500 MB free hard disk space
At least 512 MB RAM
ASCII files are generic format files that can be read or produced by most
applications. There are three common ASCII data formats: .DAT, .CSV,
and .TXT. These files can also be imported into most applications, including
word processors, spreadsheets, and ASCII editors. The files differ in the
types of delimiters, or column separators, between the data. ASCII files do
not contain any worksheet formatting information such as row height,
column width, or cell formatting. This format does not have a limitation on
the number of rows or columns.
Excel Files
Microsoft Excel .XLS, .XLSX, and .XLSM files contain data and retain some
cell formatting in Grapher. Some information, such as formulas, is
ignored. Excel files can preserve all formatting information available in the
Golden Software worksheet. An Excel 2003 .XLS worksheet has a 65,536-
row limit and a 256-column limit; therefore, this format cannot be used to
store very large data sets. An Excel 2007 .XLSX worksheet has a
1,048,576 row limit and a 16,384 column limit.
The Scripter program, included with Grapher, is useful in creating, editing,
and running files that automate Grapher procedures. By writing and
running files, simple mundane tasks or complex system integration
tasks can be performed precisely and repetitively without direct
interaction. Grapher also supports ActiveX Automation using any
compatible client, such as Visual BASIC. The automation capabilities allow
Grapher to be used as a data visualization and graph generation postprocessor for any scientific modeling system.