The decision variables (or endogenous variables ) of a GAMS-expressed model must be declared with a Variables statement.
Each variable is given a name, a domain if appropriate, and (optionally) text. The transportation model contains the following
example of a Variables statement.
x(i,j) shipment quantities in cases
z total transportation costs in thousands of dollars ;
This statement results in the declaration of a shipment variable for each (i,j) pair. (You will see in Chapter Equations, how
GAMS can handle the typical real-world situation in which only a subset of the (i,j) pairs is allowable for shipment.)
The z variable is declared without a domain because it is a scalar quantity. Every GAMS optimization model must contain
one such variable to serve as the quantity to be minimized or maximized.
Once declared, every variable must be assigned a type. The permissible types are given in table Table 3.
Table 3 : Permissible variable types
In Section The Dollar Condition, we describe how to use the dollar operator to impose restrictions on the summation operator
so that only the elements of i and j that satisfy specified conditions are included in the summation.
Products are defined in GAMS using exactly the same format as summations, replacing Sum by Prod. For example,
prod(j, x(i, j))
is equivalent to: Pjxi j.
Summation and product operators may be used in direct assignment statements for parameters. For example,
Data Entry by Tables
Optimization practitioners have noticed for some time that many of the input data for a large model are derived from relatively
small tables of numbers. Thus, it is very useful to have the table format for data entry. An example of a two-dimensional
table (or matrix) is provided in the transportation model:
Table d(i,j) distance in thousands of miles
new-york chicago topeka
seattle 2.5 1.7 1.8
san-diego 2.5 1.8 1.4 ;
Data Entry by Direct Assignment
The direct assignment method of data entry differs from the list and table methods in that it divides the tasks of parameter
declaration and parameter assignment between separate statements. The transportation model contains the following example
of this method.
Parameter c(i,j) transport cost in thousands of dollars per case ;
c(i,j) = f * d(i,j) / 1000 ;