Plot Nearly ANY Mathematical Function
Plotting user-defined and parameterized equations is only a mouseclick away with the Plot Equation feature. type the function or select one from the built-in library and specify the parameters and the range. It’s that simple! Create your own built-in functions and save them for future use. Plot functions on new or existing graphs or plot multiple functions simultaneously using different parameter values. Save plotted X and Y results to the worksheet.
Non-linear curve fitting is known to produce incorrect results in some instances.The problem is that you don´t necessarily know that this has happened. Dynamic Curve Fitting is designed to determine if this has happened and if so what the likely best fit is.
Obtain Data from Nearly Any Source
SigmaPlot has import file formats for all common text files. This includes a general purpose ASCII file importer which allows importing comma delimited files and user-selected delimiters. Plus all Excel formats may be imported. SPSS, Minitab, SYSTAT and SAS input data formats are supported by SigmaPlot.
Tap into SigmaPlot’s Powerful Capabilities from Within Other Applications